Technicore Underground Inc.
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TBM Tunneling
Our work encompasses underground projects ranging from 600 millimeters to 6.5meter large diameter tunnels which include water main, storm and sanitary sewers, rail and transit, hydro and utility tunnels, and pedestrian tunnels.
Technicore is experienced working in all types of geological conditions including rock, soft ground and mixed face ground conditions. We have successfully completed a number of complex tunnel projects using different types of equipment in order to achieve success.
Technicore is very experienced in the installation of a variety of tunnel support systems including, precast and steel segmental tunnel liners, cast-in-place, ribs & lagging, rock bolts & mesh, and steel and concrete casing.
Technicore owns a wide range of microtunneling equipment from 600mm to 2.0meter diameter.
We have completed over 5 kilometers of microtunneling projects within the GTA, some of which are amongst the longest drives in North America.
Shaft Construction
At Technicore, we design and construct superior shafts that provide safe and productive tunnel operations. Each installation method must be compatible with the working area available and the need to protect nearby structures. Our shafts are designed and constructed to suit each project’s unique ground conditions.
We have significant experience constructing shafts of every type – rib and lagging, steel liner plates, soldier pile and lagging, sheet piling, sunken caissons, interlocking and secant pile supports in overburden and rock bolt, wire mesh and shotcrete protection in rock.
Design Build Construction
Technicore develops unique solutions to underground challenges. We never stop creating innovations that make underground construction less expensive, more reliable and safer for workers.
We offer our expertise at the design stage, where real savings can be engineered into any project.
Tunnelling Equipment
Technicore is unique within the industry as it is one of the few contractors that is able to design and manufacture our own tunnel and mining equipment. Known as the workhorse in the tunneling industry, our in-house TBMs offer quick adaptability to various ground conditions encountered throughout a project.
All our new tunnel boring machine designs utilize variable electric drives with cutting heads for rock, soil or a combination of both. In wet ground conditions, our machines can operate in Earth Pressure Balance mode. We offer a wide range of mining equipment to suit a variety of project needs. Our range of equipment includes but not limited to TBMs, EPBTBMS, MTBM, TDS, & TDM.
With our 22,000-square-foot manufacturing building, located in Newmarket, we have the ability to design and tailor a machine to suit any project requirements.
Technology & Innovation
Technology and innovation is at the forefront of what we do. We incorporate robotics, artificial intelligence and highly mechanized systems into our product offerings.
Combining new technology with experience, we create efficient and easily operated machinery to simplify even the most complex tunnelling challenges.
Trusted & Experienced
Years of Experience
Our diverse staff brings forth one of the most knowledgeable and experienced teams of individuals within the industry.
Customer Satisfaction
Our strong leadership, wealth of experience and extensive resources offers project owners one-stop solutions to nearly any project requirements.
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Our Expertise Includes:
- TBM Tunneling
- Shaft Construction
- Microtunneling
- Design Build Construction
- Ground Freezing
- Design and Manufacturing of Mining equipment
- Proprietary cellular grout and concrete mixes
- On-site robotic pipe welding
Our Promise To You